Free Christian Satellite Television

Christian TV with no ongoing costs that is legal

Free Christian Television

There are now about ten free Christian television channels available from Satellite all over the world which are even easier to obtain than pay TV. These free TV channels are legal and are intentionally made available for anyone who would like to view them and are supported financially by those who choose to be generous enough to offer them donations to keep their service going. These Christian television channels also have an extensive variety of content and below is just a small example of what is available:

There are also a large number of free Foreign Language Channels as well as the free Christian television channels that will automatically be tuned in by your Satellite receiver on its installation and are updated on an ongoing basis. Some of these foreign television channels are also English speaking and some have subtitles.

So why bother paying monthly pay TV costs when you can get free Christian TV that is actually good for your family? With pay TV, you are paying for the monthly service and the hire of the equipment which is bundled into one monthly price. With free-to-air Christian television, you buy the equipment, you own it and you can use it as often as you like and as long as you like at no extra cost.

There are at least 10 free Christian channels available in almost all areas around the world now and these channels are totally legal and totally free, and all that is required to receive these channels is a satellite dish and satellite receiver. This is very much like your standard set-top box and the technology is very similar to most satellite pay TV installations. Once you purchase a receiver and have a dish installed and aligned there is nothing more to pay ever again unless of course the equipment needs a service as some electronic equipment does occasionally fail.

How to get Free Christian TV

Please note that the purpose of this web site is only to make the public aware that this free Christian satellite TV is available. We do not sell Christian television or install satellite television so please do not email us asking how or where to get it. Below is all the information we can give you.

Satellite receiver for free televisionIf you have previously had satellite pay TV before and the dish has been left behind, it is possible that you may only need the Satellite receiver and the dish realigned and could be as cheap as $120 AUS if you are competent enough to realign your dish or have a friend who could do it for you. There are also small inexpensive satellite finders that change in audible pitch when you are pointed at a satellite that cost as little as $50 AUS if you really want to do it yourself but are having trouble finding the Satellite.

Satellite dish for free televisionInstallation is relatively simple but as just mentioned, some have difficulty in pointing the dish correctly. One of the free Christian channel's support web sites in Australia is called 3ABN Australia and has self install instructions on their site. If you want an experienced technician to install it for you, there are many people who will do this for an average cost of $400 AUS, which includes all hardware costs as well and is the one and only financial outlay.

There are also some dish initiative programs in Australia and possibly in other countries also that will install the equipment for free for a trial period and you pay for the equipment only if you decide you want to keep it. Select this link if you would like some contacts of people who can do this for you in Australia or New Zealand. If you are in other countries, I suggest going to one of these four web sites and asking them for guidance and assistance.

These four free Christian television channels are what we believe to be the best of the channels and have excellent teaching on personal health, the Ten Commandments of God, Bible prophecy, the real truth on speaking in tongues and more. Select the following to watch these channels live online.

These channels have a large number of prophecy seminars that cover topics such as the secret rapture, the Battle of Armageddon, Antichrist, Hell Fire, the truth about death, 1000 year millennium, Mystery Babylon and much more. There is a lot of wrong Bible prophecy getting taught today as Satan has propagated a lot of lies and confusing heretical teaching that have lead a lot of people to believe that Bible prophecy cannot be understood. This is not true and through these channels you will find out how the false prophecy has been spread and why so many have been deceived by it and in fact that prophecy can be understood and quite easily when you know how. Jesus did not say the following just for fun:

   Revelation 1:3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

Did Jesus say this followed by a chuckle saying, “Good luck in understanding it”? Of course not! We are intended to understand Bible prophecy and those who are still around in the end times desperately NEED to understand it. This is why Jesus said that Satan would deceive the whole world because people do not bother to try and understand because Satan has added so much confusion to make people think it cannot be understood.

Document  Revelation 12:9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

By watching the various Bible prophecy seminars on 3ABN, Hope channel and Amazing Discoveries, you will find out what all these following people understood about who and what is the antichrist that enforces the apocalyptic mark of the beast. “John Wycliffe, William Tyndale (translated the Bible - Tyndale Bible), Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer; in the seventeenth century, Bunyan, the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, John Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones.

It is absolutely awe-inspiring when you do understand Bible prophecy as it brings the Bible to life providing a much greater understanding of God’s Word all round and increases your faith as you discover how perfectly and incredibly accurate the Bible truly is. You will find out how a Church changed one of the Ten Commandments and that the Bible even tells us that they would. We came across these channels by chance and it has changed our family's life in a fantastic way and has given us a whole new ministry that has resulted in more than one hundred and twenty web sites and counting. We cannot give them a higher recommendation.

Tuning Parameters for Christian Channels

There are over fifty free satellite channels including the foreign ones but our focus will only be the free Christian channels. So if you already have a satellite receiver and a dish pointed at the appropriate satellite for your location in the world, all you need is to enter the correct parameters into your receiver, if not already there, such as frequency, polarization and symbol rate etc, and then rescan for new channels. Below is a current list of Christian channels but please note that the examples given below that include all the main Christian channels are for the Optus D2 satellite in Australia and New Zealand only.

Please keep in mind that the first three channels in bold have the best programming that are the most Biblical.

Australia and New Zealand

Channel name

TP Frequency


Symbol rate


3ABN 12.608 GHz Horizontal 22.500 MS/s 3/4
Hope 12.706 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
Amazing Discoveries 12.608 GHz Horizontal 22.500 MS/s 3/4
AON 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
Church Channel 12.581 GHz Horizontal 22.500 MS/s 3/4
Daystar 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
EWTN 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
God Australia 12.608 GHz Horizontal 22.500 MS/s 3/4
God TV 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
Inspiration 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
JCTV 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
SBN TV 12.518 GHz Vertical 22.500 MS/s 3/4
TBN 12.581 GHz Horizontal 22.500 MS/s 3/4


Note: The Satellite parameters for North and Central America region are provided for most channels but any missing will probably match one of the parameters for the other Christian channels. The five in bold are the most Biblical.

North and Central America

Channel name

TP Frequency


Symbol rate


3ABN 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
3ABN Proclaim 12.060 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Hope 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Amazing Discoveries 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Amazing Facts TV 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
AON 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Bible Explorations 11.966 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Christian Youth Channel 12.028 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Christian Television Network 12.060 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Church Channel 12.177 GHz Vertical 23.000 MS/s 3/4
Cornerstone 12.115 GHz Vertical 22.425 MS/s 3/4
Daystar 11.929 GHz Vertical 22.000 MS/s 3/4
GCN TV 11.929 GHz Vertical 22.000 MS/s 3/4
God TV 11.929 GHz Vertical 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Gods Learning Channel 12.177 GHz Vertical 23.000 MS/s 3/4
JCTV 12.177 GHz Vertical 23.000 MS/s 3/4
LLBN TV 11.842 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4
Pastor Scott 12.115 GHz Vertical 22.425 MS/s 3/4
SBN 11.929 GHz Vertical 22.000 MS/s 3/4
TBN 12.177 GHz Vertical 23.000 MS/s 3/4
Word Network 11.966 GHz Horizontal 22.000 MS/s 3/4


Note: The Satellite parameters for Europe, Middle East and Western Asia region are provided only for the three most Biblical channels but these parameters may be same for some of the other Christian channels.

Europe, Middle East and Western Asia

Channel name

TP Frequency


Symbol rate


3ABN 10.815 GHz Horizontal 27.500 MS/s 5/6
Hope 11.642 GHz Horizontal 27.500 MS/s 3/4
Amazing Discoveries N/A N/A N/A N/A

Satellite Coverage Map

Below you can find a map showing what Satellite you may need to get parameters for. If the above tables do not cover your area, then to find the parameters for your area, select the link for the desired channel in the first table above and then look for the settings provided on that corresponding web site for the required satellite for your area.

Satellite Coverage Map
North and Central America
North America
DISH Network
United States
Americas, Europe
Hot Bird 6
Europe, parts of Middle East
IS-20 (KU band)
Europe, Central and Southern Africa
IS-20 (C band)
Africa, Asia, Middle East, South Pacific
Optus D2
Australia, New Zealand
Yamal 300K
Former Soviet Union

Please feel free to contact us for help in finding the parameters for a particular area if you are having trouble finding what you need on the web site for the channel you are interested in. Note that all the above free Christian channels can also be watched online. Please use the links to the desired channel to do do.