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Evangelism Story
“Suffer the Little Children” I had a lead card to follow up for Great Stories for Kids. As usual, I phoned first to make an appointment.
The name on the card was Vicki Abdelnour. Vicki answered the phone and agreed to an appointment to see the books. Just then a man took the phone and asked what the problem was and that Vicki was his daughter, who was nine years old. I was shocked, she spoke so well. I thought she was an adult. Anyway, I explained to him (his name was Michael) about the books Vicki was interested in. Praise the Lord, he agreed to see them.
I arrived at their place and was welcomed by a beautiful young girl, Vicki, who invited me in. I learned that Vicki and her brother were crazy about books. In fact, Michael told me they had no toys or television, but just love to read books. He also told me he was an Orthodox Christian from Iraq. I also showed him our Bible Stories and My Bible Friends CD, which he was impressed with. However, the time came to close the sale and Michael wouldn't commit. I tried everything, praying earnestly all the time. In the end I conceded and asked Michael if he did a lot of reading too and he answered yes. So I reached into my bag and pulled out a paperback, The Desire of Ages, which we sell for just $10, and showed it to him. He remarked, “Oh, this might be too heavy for Vicki.” I said, “Actually, I was thinking of you.”
He thought for a while and then said in his soft spoken voice, “I'll tell you what, I'll take all the children's books, the My Bible Friends CD and this one!” I was very surprised but so thankful to God that a small miracle had just occurred. Our wonderful books went into a home where they would be treasured and read enthusiastically.
He wrote out a cheque and we had a prayer together. I also learned that Vicki had picked up the lead card from a lawyer's office while with her grandmother.
Isn't it amazing, you never know how the Lord can direct even a child to respond to our books in such an unlikely place as a lawyer's office. We read in the Bible that Jesus says, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” God is just as interested in them as he is in adults, and can lead and direct them as well. - Jared French, Eastern Area